What sets Pedowitz Machinery Movers apart in the sculpture rigging and fine art handling industry in South Florida, is that we provide a unique and customer-centric experience.

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That may sound cliche but let’s look at some of the details in the pictures below.

Expertise Matters: Our team of riggers consists of experienced art handlers who specialize in the safe transportation of sculptures and fine art. Take a look at those wooden boards that are laid down so as to ensure that no damage is done to your flooring, walkways or grounds.

Tailored Packaging: We develop customized packaging solutions so as to protect delicate artworks during transit. By offering personalized packaging options you can be sure of our commitment to the safety of your precious pieces of art and/or sculpture.

Climate-Controlled Transport: When necessary, we’ll go the extra mile and provide climate-controlled trucks. We maintain multiple storage facilities along the east cost with the ideal environmental conditions for your works of art. This is especially important for art sensitive to temperature and humidity changes.

Advanced Security: Our security systems are top notch and our facilities are fenced and monitored 24/7. Our clients appreciate the extra care taken to protect their investments.

End-to-End Services: Pedowitz Machinery Movers offers installation and set-in-place services in addition to transportation. This can include installation at galleries, museums, private residences, or other locations, providing a seamless experience for our clients.

White-Glove Treatment: Providing white-glove service that includes unpacking, installation, and removal of packaging materials is part of what we do. We go above and beyond so as to ensure your complete satisfaction.

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We have woodworking shops on premises and design custom crate design and construction services. High-quality, custom-built crates are crucial for securely transporting and storing your valuable artworks.

Insurance Options: Pedowitz carries ample as well as comprehensive insurance coverage tailored to the specific needs of art collectors and institutions. You can rest assured that your investments are protected.

International Expertise: If you need to ship your art and/or sculpture overseas or internationally, know that our knowledge of customs regulations, international shipping logistics, and paperwork to simplify the process for clients dealing with cross-border art movements. As a port trucking company in Miami, it’s what we do everyday be it import, export, container shipping, transloading or intermodal.

Consultation Services: Not sure what type of transportation and/or rigging services you need but have to move your art or sculpture now? Pedowitz offers consultation services to help clients plan their art logistics and ensure the safe transportation of their collections. 

Reputation Building: Since 1945 we have consistently delivered on promises. In fact we love to showcase our work (hence this blog post). Positive client testimonials, reviews and case studies are only a Google search away. Trust and word-of-mouth recommendations are invaluable.

Competitive Pricing: While offering specialized services, our pricing is competitive within the South Florida market and attracts a wide range of clients.

From art galleries and museums to auction houses and venues, purveyors and owners of art and sculpture trust Pedowitz Machinery movers 

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Don’t forget to check out our YOUTUBE CHANNEL and you can always get assistance with a QUOTE REQUEST HERE.

When it comes to sculpture rigging and fine art handling services in Miami, or anywhere in south Florida, trust the moving company that’s trusted by museums, galleries and luxury retailers – Pedowitz Machinery Movers.