When it comes to overdimensional load rigging Miami Autoclave operators trust Pedowitz. Yesterday we were called upon for an overdimensional load rigging job for an autocalve in Miami. Unloading, transport, and installation of autoclaves is what we do.
When it comes to overdimensional load rigging and heavy lifting expertise trust Pedowitz. From the unloading, transportation, and installation of autoclaves Pedowitz has this Aircraft technologies client covered. For something that’s 40,000 pounds we’ll use a specialized capacity crane. These machines are not only big and heavy, but they’re irregular in shape so great care and planning has to go into hoisting and securing the load. In fact sometimes multiple forklifts and cranes are required.
Best of all however, this transport and installation project was completed in a day.

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Remember, when it comes to overdimensional load rigging Miami Autoclave operators call Pedowitz Machinery Movers.